Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jorvik, Bob, Italian food and Evensong!

We started out today by gassing up the car, then we went to drop it off at the park and ride, to take the bus into York. We were hungry, and we saw a crepe stand, which sounded really yummy! Jack had a Nutella crepe, and Mom had a banoffee crepe, which is banana, toffee and cream. 

We wandered around for a bit, then it was time for Jack to go to his Viking Experience, at the Jorvik Viking Centre.   Jack was taken with Bob, the Viking, a skeleton of a Viking between the age of 18-25, who was between 5'9" and 6'2".  He had some axe cuts in his pelvis and leg. They don't know who he is, but he was apparently buried in a coffin. His teeth were well preserved!  People speculate he died in combat.

        We had pre-booked, so he jumped the line! 

        Dru wandered around shops while he was in the Viking Centre. We walked around and watched street musicians and looked in little shops.

Around 2, we decided to eat lunch and we found a very nice Italian restaurant. After lunch, we went and visited the York Castle Museum. They had set up different rooms from different time periods, including a Georgian dining room, a cottages on the Moors around the 18th century, and several others. There was an exhibit on cleaning, and the first vacuum cleaners just took the dust and blew it into the room, and they said it made it easier to pick it up. The last part of the museum, we walked through a street, Kirkham in the late 19th century, early 20th century. We took a picture of a rat outside of a boarding house. 

Then it was time to head to the Minster for the 5:15 Evensong service. There were lots of important people this time, including the Lord Mayor! There was a French minister who said the last prayer in French. 

      Back to the bus, and over to ASDA, the 24 hour super center near our hotel, where we purchased Jacob's assorted cream crackers, goat cheese, Shippam's Chicken Spread, and Clementine tangerines for dinner. Excellent!


  1. That banoffee crepe sounds delicious! Evensong so beautiful sounding. I want to go!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
